
Life insurance in British Columbia estate planning

On Behalf of Porter Ramsay LLP | Sep, 20, 2017 | Wills And Estates

No one likes to think about his or her own demise. But at some point, planning for the inevitable is essential, especially if children are a part of the process. Most individuals think mainly of a will, but this is only one component of a comprehensive estate plan. Those in British Columbia who are thinking about estate planning may also consider how life insurance may play a part in the process. The aim of life insurance in depends upon the stage of a person’s journey in life. Younger couples with children likely view life insurance as security in case of... View Article

Are you thinking about renewing or refinancing your mortgage?

On Behalf of Porter Ramsay LLP | Sep, 19, 2017 | Real Estate Law

Many British Columbia homeowners face the situation every few years: the time your mortgage term will be expiring. Yet, it doesn’t have to be a stressful experience if you know what to expect. You may be up against different interest rates, and you also might be thinking about finding another lender with more attractive rates. Being aware of how to avoid potential drawbacks will give you a head start when renewal or refinance time actually rolls around. Renewing your mortgage is actually a great time for you to think about how well your existing arrangement has been fitting into your... View Article

Amazon building would be real estate coup for British Columbia

On Behalf of Porter Ramsay LLP | Sep, 18, 2017 | Real Estate Law

Having the North American headquarters of Amazon located in Vancouver would be a boost not only for the city, but for the province. Such a real estate deal would be beneficial for all of British Columbia since the headquarters could potentially cost about $5 billion. Amazon recently announced it is looking for another site for a building in addition to one already located in Seattle. The Vancouver Economic Commission is reviewing the Amazon HQ2 request for proposals, hoping to make a bid for the project. The VEC is seeking input from local businesses and government. If the bid is successful, it could... View Article

The escalation of “grey” divorce in Canada

On Behalf of Porter Ramsay LLP | Sep, 14, 2017 | Family Law

There used to be a time when marriage meant “til death do you part.” Even when problems arose, couples stayed married under any circumstances rather than go through a divorce. Today, however, it seems even those who have been married for many years are realizing that when it’s over, it’s over. The trend has resulted in a steady rise in “grey” divorce rates all across Canada, including British Columbia. Divorce among the senior set – those 50 years of age or older – is on the rise and dramatically so. Statistically, it seems that women are taking the lead in... View Article

Pursuing Compensation In Personal Injury

On Behalf of Porter Ramsay LLP | Sep, 12, 2017 | Personal Injury Law

One person is dead and two injured in a bus accident in downtown Vancouver last month. Under British Columbia personal injury law, those injured can pursue compensation. That is also true for the family of the 49-year-old man who died as a result of the accident that saw a charter bus jumping a curb and hitting several pedestrians. A Vancouver police spokesperson said the slow-moving bus collided with an SUV parked alongside the curb. It hit several nearby pedestrians. An elderly man is in serious condition, and a teenage girl, 15, suffered minor injuries. A witness said he saw fire... View Article