
British Columbia family law: Divorce and a mortgage

On Behalf of Porter Ramsay LLP | Nov, 21, 2018 | Family Law

Love and marriage. Divorce and mortgage. The rules that govern the marital playing field are fuelled by family law in British Columbia. Homeowners who have decided to divorce may be wondering what happens with their mortgage if they’re carrying one. In most provinces, assets acquired during the marriage are divided equally between the partners, and that holds true for a matrimonial home. A bank or mortgage company doesn’t care that you’re getting divorced, who’s going to live in the house or who has the right to live there. All it cares about is that the mortgage will continue to get... View Article

Property and debt division at the end of a relationship

On Behalf of Porter Ramsay LLP | Nov, 19, 2018 | Uncategorized

When a marriage or long-term relationship comes to an end in British Columbia, dividing property and debt fairly is critical to ensuring both partners maintain a stable quality of life after the separation. The rules for property division are fairly straightforward, but there are always exceptions and exemptions to consider. Despite laws requiring an equal division of family assets, it is not always as easy as splitting things 50/50. If you and your spouse did not have a legal agreement stipulating how you would divide your assets in this situation, you would be wise to seek professional advice on the... View Article

Family law: Do protection orders do what they’re supposed to do?

On Behalf of Porter Ramsay LLP | Nov, 07, 2018 | Family Law

Domestic violence can rip families apart. Family law in British Columbia has rules in place to safeguard individuals against violence, such as protection or restraining orders. But, do they really work? This directive orders the alleged violent person to stay away from his or her intended target who is named in the order. Perpetrators are not to have any interaction or communication with their victims, nor are they allowed to frequent areas where they are known to frequent like places of employment, schools, etc They also must turn in all weapons they own to the authorities. But if the alleged abusive person has no... View Article