
The most common causes of truck accidents

On Behalf of Porter Ramsay LLP | May, 26, 2021 | Personal Injury Law

Trucks are an essential part of the British Columbia economy, and truck drivers work hard to move goods to all corners of the province. Despite their professional skill and vigilance, truck drivers and those around them do still contend with the risk of accidents like all motorists. There are some particular risk factors that make truck accidents more likely, and understanding these is key to understanding the accidents that happen as well as preventing future collisions. The most common causes of truck accidents include: Fatigue: Driving while tired is a risk for anyone on the road, especially someone driving a... View Article

What are the grounds for divorce in British Columbia?

On Behalf of Porter Ramsay LLP | May, 14, 2021 | Family Law

A married couple who realizes their union no longer works may decide, after much soul searching, to file for divorce. Often, this comes after painstaking measures, such as counseling or couples therapy. If even these steps did not mend the rift between you and your spouse, you may already be thinking about the positive aspects of a post-divorce life. However, how do you start on that journey?  In British Columbia, couples must follow certain guidelines before the courts will grant a divorce. These steps may seem long and frustrating, but the government has put them in place to protect the rights of spouses and to minimize... View Article

Common motorcycle accident injuries

On Behalf of Porter Ramsay LLP | May, 12, 2021 | Personal Injury Law

Motorcycling is a popular pastime for many in British Columbia. Although it can be a very relaxing and rewarding activity, it also comes with some risks should a collision occur. Here are some of the most common injuries experienced by motorcyclists, which may require short or long-term treatment. Legs: Injuries on legs typically include anything from minor bruises to burns and road rash. If there is an accident, muscle tears or broken bones can also be experienced. Arms: As with legs, bruising and road rash can happen on the upper limbs as well. More severe accidents can cause more serious... View Article