On Behalf of Porter Ramsay LLP | Apr, 18, 2022 | Family Law
Ideally, parents who go through a breakup will place the well-being of their children above every other concern. For this reason, they are more likely to set aside their differences and work together to create a parenting plan that is in the best interests of the children while still fitting within their unique circumstances. This can be a challenge, but the alternative is working with court-appointed counsellors or leaving those important decisions to the British Columbia family court. Since parents are not always eager to relinquish such delicate and personal decisions, many opt to create their own parenting plans. Where... View Article
On Behalf of Porter Ramsay LLP | Apr, 11, 2022 | Real Estate Law
When Canada’s federal budget was announced in early April, it included several measures aimed at cooling the housing market. These moves are a response to increasing concerns about the affordability of housing across the country. If the measures are passed, they will have a significant impact on real estate transactions in British Columbia. One of the changes garnering a great deal of attention is a measure to ensure house flipping profits are taxed as business income. Many individuals across Canada invest in residential real estate in order to make improvements and sell at a profit. This change, if passed, would... View Article
On Behalf of Porter Ramsay LLP | Apr, 01, 2022 | Personal Injury Law
Distracted driving is among the leading causes of serious car accidents in British Columbia. Increased use of mobile devices is making this issue into a more serious one. New polling data released by ICBC shows the extent of distracted driving in B.C., as well as some information on the awareness drivers have about this issue. Here are some of the main insights from the ICBC data: Occasional distracted driving is not uncommon: 42% of drivers polled say they use their phone once every 10 trips or more despite most of them knowing the risks. However, drivers are aware of the... View Article