
What should I do before starting a land development project?

On Behalf of Porter Ramsay LLP | Jul, 11, 2022 | Real Estate Law

As a land developer in British Columbia, you probably already know that you can take no steps forward with your project before you have a plan. In fact, since there are numerous aspects of land development, you will likely create multiple plans. Of course, before beginning the planning of your project, you must first consider the many laws and regulations that govern the process of development.  Land development is not as easy as purchasing property and constructing buildings on it. There are zoning laws, land use regulations and environmental impacts to consider. You might also face resistance from members of... View Article

B.C. financial regulator recommends home purchase wait periods

On Behalf of Porter Ramsay LLP | Jul, 08, 2022 | Real Estate Law

Many regulators and officials have been proposing different means of cooling the housing market in British Columbia. Recently, the B.C. Financial Services Authority shared its recommendations for tempering the market for consumers. Their recommendations included measures to implement a required pre-offer period as well as a cooling-off period following an accepted offer. Here are the details of these two suggestions.  Recommendation #1: Pre-offer period The pre-offer period recommended by the Financial Services Authority is five days. If the recommendation were adopted, it would require listings to be on the market for at least five days prior to an offer being... View Article

Survey reveals trends in marriage, divorce and finances

On Behalf of Porter Ramsay LLP | Jul, 01, 2022 | Family Law

Most people expect divorce to have an impact on their financial situation. However, it is interesting to note that the impact is not always all negative. While divorce can be expensive, most divorcees also note that their financial management improved post-breakup.   This was one of the many things revealed in Toronto-Dominion Bank’s “Love & Money” survey, which aimed to understand how people were approaching financial matters and relationships in British Columbia and throughout Canada. Here are some of the highlights from the survey:  54% of divorced respondents said it was easier to manage finances after a divorce, compared to while... View Article