B.C. car accident risk increases at certain times of year
On Behalf of Porter Ramsay LLP | Mar, 31, 2021 | Personal Injury Law
There are many factors that impact driving safety: weather, light, road conditions and the behaviour other drivers on the road to name a few. For this reason, it is understandable that certain times of year (and even certain times of day) may be higher risk than others for those on British Columbia roads. According to the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC), the winter months bring a heightened risk for drivers in the Southern Interior, with particular risk around Christmas and New Year’s.
Specifically, the statistics during the holidays are as follows:
- An average of 110 crashes and 22 injuries over New Year’s in the Southern Interior alone
- An average of 730 crashes, 200 injuries and one fatality in the province on New Year’s Eve
- An average of 540 injuries from 1,900 crashes province-wide in the holiday period between Christmas and New Year’s
To prevent crashes, ICBC has advised drivers to take the usual steps with regards to safety. This includes not using a mobile phone at any time while driving and using a designated driver or taxi rather than driving impaired. Staying updated on road conditions is also a key step to take, especially during the winter months.
Of course, drivers should be aware of the risks on the road any time they get in their vehicle. However, these statistics demonstrate that particular vigilance during the holiday season is a good idea, especially when driving in winter conditions and/or after dark. However, despite drivers’ best efforts, crashes do happen particularly in winter and can cause serious personal injury requiring an insurance claim. In these cases, it can be a good idea to discuss the specifics of a case with a lawyer as soon as possible in order to seek proper compensation.